Thursday, 26 June 2014

30 Weeks - on .LIFE.

A quick 30 week update becasuse im so busy lately I hardly have time to think!
Its super refreshing to see the 30's seriously, it took forever to get here! it makes me feel like everthing is on the downhill now... baby boy is BIG... Im going for a late ultrasound in a few weeks to make sure he isnt TOO big... but im happy hes healthy in there. Even tho his jabs are quite painful! Easton was a little one at 19 inches long ... im willing to bet this one is taller, hes constantly in my ribcage and pushing against my hip bones and poking his feet out my side. Sometimes i'll be sitting and I will have to look around to make sure nobody is looking at me wierd because there is a party going on in my belly that is quite apparent from the outside!
For the first time this pregnancy, I went in for a doctors appointment and hadnt gained weight! I actually had LOST a pound! - It only took 30 weeks and 45 pounds for my body to figure out that mayyyybe I dont need to be a packing on enough weight to get through a winter undergoround? lets hope so, im serioulsy running out of clothes.
Easy is keeping everyone on their toes.
He started doing daycare a couple days a week so that T can study for a huge test that he has in a couple months, and he loves it! we always come in to get him and hes all sweaty and happy and most importantly TIRED. he sleeps like a dream, this kid averages 11-13 hours a night and I couldnt love him more for it.
Hes still with daddy a few days a week, and he is such a daddy's boy. They wrestle and play and do Easy's favortie thing...
Seriously I dont know where the love of books came from, but he could sit and look at books for an hour without looking up.
oh and if you didnt notice.. we gave this beautiful girly boy... a haircut!
Bye bye baby curls!

I cried like a baby - I was totally tough about it.
well heres to 10-12 more weeks on the inside BC2.0!
please stop making me crave spicy food and then giving me heartburn when I eat it.
k thanks.
xx - r

Sunday, 15 June 2014



Thank you for being my daddy. 
Thank you for always making me eat lots of breakfast
and wrestling with me but always letting me win.
Thank you for waking up with me at night when I'm scared or sad and helping me go back to sleep. 
Thanks for loving my mommy, and taking us to the park sometimes to play!
Thank you for changing my bum
even though sometimes it it really gross (I know)

Thank you for giving me a little brother, 
Us boys are going to have a ton of fun! (and mom can come too I guess)

Im so glad your home with me this summer. 

Happy Fathers day Daddy. 

Can we go to the park tomorrow?

xx (big sloppy kisses) - E.

Monday, 9 June 2014

I never said...

I never said I wouldnt complain.
wait, did I?
I cant remember my first name most of the time these days.
Im tired.

Truth time,
This isnt one of those "glowy" pregnancy updates.
But I feel like the reality needs to be stated somewhere.

Im not glowing.
I feel like I blew through my first pregnancy
Yes, I had a bit of heartburn and got a couple stretch marks near the end, but it wasnt bad, I would even say I loved it. I loved it enough to get pregnant again 8 months later didnt I?
I cant decide if bieng a mom makes me more sensitive, or if I am just a bigger wuss this time around, or if maybe some emotional problems I cant control are playing in...
But this pregnancy is so hard.
Its hard enough that I have cried more times than I can count
hard enough that I have had a hard time getting out of bed or off the couch
hard enough that I have been meaner than I should be to people I love
hard enough that I have wished that the baby would even come a bit early sometimes just to ease my discomfort.
Hard enough that Im maybe not giving my Easy man all the attention he deserves.
And all of those things make me feel so awful that I continually cycle between feeling awful and feeling guilty for it.
I have officially outgrown my maternity jeans
They no longer fit over my hips and butt that are now riddled with stretch marks.

I'm sitting at a weight that I have never seen before on a scale that I have been standing on.

That was harder on me than I thought it was going to be. When im having to buy not only bigger clothing... but bigger maternity clothing, it challenges my feelings of self-worth.

I eat the best I can, but I have to make a point to not go crazy on the diet, I struggle with finding balance.

My body feels like its breaking down.

When I stand in the morning I have to brace myself and breathe through the feeling that my pelvis is going to break, and my hips just might not make it another minute. The feeling eventually passes but everything feels sore all day. the extra weight isnt helping my knees or my back.

My braxton hicks contractions are strong and steady. every time I stand or walk too long, I find myself stopping to poke my stomach, confirming that the tighness is a contraction. sometimes the contractions stop me without my consent and I have to just...breathe for a minute.

I had my cervix checked via ultrasound and everything looks good. baby is just low, and having subsequent pregnancies so close together is making my body a little resistant to the change.

Now with all that complaining out there,

I want to confirm that I am still blessed.

I am so happy that I can experience pregnancy again and I know that not everyone is blessed with it.

but when you think about what your body is actually doing, its pretty crazy that every 7 month pregnant woman in the world isnt just sitting on 100000 pillows crying her eyes out while icing her ankles and eating a sundae while complaining about her heartburn.

We make it though.

Thousands of women make it through pregnancy somewhat intact, every day.

And I know I can too.

I think I had a moment where I got really tired of trying to glow.

I think pregnant women feel like they are supposed to glow a little brighter because they are carrying life inside of them.

lets be honest guys...

the only glow I have had in the last 7 months has been either toilet water glistening on my face from the morning sickness, or sweat dripping down my face and back from going up a flight of stairs.

I dont need to glow.

I just need to waddle through the next 12 weeks

and then welcome a beautiful baby boy to my family.

He can be the one that glows.

Here's to 28 weeks.

xx - r


memory - California


Last week we went with some of T's family to California!
The trip started out a little rocky...something to do with a screaming one year old for an entire 3 hour flight and a pregnant mom in tears?... I don't was all kind of a blur - Okay it wasn't a blur, its burned into my brain...and will probably be there for a while.
we got into the hotel late and decided to hit Disney the next morning.
It was pretty fun!
Some highlights...

Grandpa had this kid rolling in laughter all week, seriously

Easy was about 2 inches too short for most rides at Disney, so while the grown ups and non-preggos waited in line for rides, we spent alot of time wandering around the park, meeting people and playing. lots of kids had these bubble machines and Easy loved EVERY bubble.

Of course, we did alot of eating. this Disney day included 2 outfit changes. 
we found one pretty great ride that we could all go on, and although this kid is pretty stoic, he loved it.

probably one of his favourite things of the day was cars land. lately hes been really into cars, little toy cars, are his toy of choice to carry around and he loves driving them all over everything and everyone.
He sat on the railing and watched people go by on the cars ride for literally an hour. pointing every time a car went by. it was so fun, his little brain must have been exploding. at one point one of the cars from the movie drove by us on the way to a meet and greet spot. I put Easy down and he took off running (yes hes into running lately and hes FAST) after it. he ran for a good couple minutes before the car disappeared and he sat down, looking very dejected.

It took us some work to get him to wear a hat. As my son, his skin is very fair and very sensitive, We went through a whole can of spray sunscreen and half of a tube of lotion screen this week for him... Eventually he warmed up to hats, how adorable is a baby in a hat???
The rest of the week was a flurry of beach days and shopping and pool-going.
Easy is like his grandma in that he really loves the beach. digging in the sand, even getting soaked by the cold salt water of the ocean. I felt a little bad though... I am not much of a beach person. Sand is not my friend, its something about the feel and how you find it in your bra days later... I am more of a sit by the pool and have a hot-tub accessible...person.

but it was 5 days well spent. Vacationing with a one year old is not really vacationing at all. I would like to change the name to "memory" it was busy. skipped naps and swollen ankles and a molar cutting through and eating nothing but goldfish for sometimes 3 meals a day and hormones and stained clothes are what make a memory make-ation. and I loved spending that time with my boys and my inlaws. they were seriously amazing, taking him when we needed a bit of a break, and sharing everything and taking breaks when I whined and required them. and I whined and needed breaks a lot.
the rest of the summer is work work work. I have a class im trying to finish, work in the office and a few more photoshoots and oh ya... only a couple months left before this baby makes his appearance!
pregnancy update coming soon!
xx - r