Saturday, 3 January 2015

Dear 2014 - Welcome 2015.

Dear 2014

I started your year with a gift inside my belly. A second baby! For the second year in a row, I was looking forward to gaining happy baby weight and birthing another baby. 
2014 you gave me my first sons very first birthday. You gave me a rambunctious one year old with two gorgeous dimples and blonde hair. You gave me his first haircut, some new words and lots and lots of cuddles. 
You saw me back to work, 2014. I was not ready to leave my boy to go back, but I knew his daddy would take great care of him for the summer I was there. 
2014, you gave me some problems with my pregnancy, although nothing dangerous to the baby, I was in tears most days for the last 4 months of my 39 week pregnancy. Definitely different than the pregnancy of 2013.
2014 you gave me a second son. A beautiful, big baby boy with blonde hair. An incredible feeling of birthing a baby and having him be perfect in every way. We did that 2014.
2014 I started you weighing 160 pounds and freshly pregnant, but heavier than I wanted to be. By August 28th I weighed 207... By the end of you I weigh roughly 157 pounds. I managed to gain 47 pounds, then lose 50, all in one year. incredible. Thank you body for being amazing. we enjoyed a lot of amazing food.
You were an epic year 2014, but I'm ready to move on... New, great things are coming and I can't wait to welcome them with open arms.

Oh hey, 2015... Welcome!

I can't WAIT to get started. I have high hopes for you.

Now 2015, last year was an amazing year. one for the books! You definitely have your work cut out for you, but don't worry, i'll be with you every step of the way. here are some things I hope to accomplish this year.
I want to lose 25 more pounds. Im sorry I am a number person... but I am. I also want to take care of this body I have. I need to heal from my complicated pregnancy and breastfeed my baby while losing this weight. I will be realistic, I will be patient.
2015, lets learn something new. I know, life is really busy with two kids so young. But lets think about something new... We can do that, right?
2015, lets teach Hudson to crawl, then walk. lets teach our boys new words and new games and new skills. Lets take these boys on adventures. I want this to be a record year for them too.
Lets support my husband in his last semester of school. No, not the last semester ever, but the last one for this chapter at least. I want to be a great supporter... a great wife, I want him to love 2015 with me.
other than that 2015, I'm leaving myself wide open to you. lets have another year for the books together!

xx - r