Yesterday I went to the mall to develop some pictures, while I was there I saw an add for passport photos...
"Hey, I dont suppose you can take a passport photo of my son right? He can't sit upon his own yet..."
He politely informed me that it WAS possible... but, a little awkward.
He positioned me on a stool with Easton on my lap.
Now here is the tricky part.
I had to hold the back of his shirt, tight enough to keep him upright, leeeeean back to be out of the picture, and try not to laugh my head off as my son bobbled his head around while i held his shirt so tightly that his "moobs" (man-boobs) were showing.
After a minute or two, the photog confirmed that he had gotten the shot.
and this is what we came out with.
I swear I didn't plan the shirt...
It was just a nice bonus. Now the whole wide world will know just who loves this kid.
I figure I can pull it out sometime in his 20's and show it to a girlfriend I don't like.
In other news, you might notice a banner on my blog up on the right hand side for "top mommy bloggers"
This is a site I found to help me navigate the mommy bloggers of the world. My blog was approved as one of these "top mommy blogs" and here I am, looking for votes to get my ratings up. All you really need to do is, everytime you read a post on my blog, click on that little banner. If your looking for other cool blogs to read, navigate away! it really is a great site... Every click to the site gets my ranking on the site higher... get it?
.shameless self-promition.
Hey, its a tough job being a blogger, and I want to do everything I can to be really, really good at it (*Wink*)
xx - r
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