Saturday, 31 August 2013

A sugar-freak goes sugar-free

I mentioned last weigh-in that I was realizing more and more that I may have a small problem with sugar.

It seems like my weight has hit a plateaux. I am no longer losing weight as fast as I would like... I'm even gaining some back.

My diet is out of control.

Now, because I'm breast feeding I really can't cut a bunch of calories to lean out... Nor should I really. But I'm so tired of feeling bloated and tired from what I'm eating. 

So I'm starting with a week.

One week of clean eating.

I've done a bit of research, and to be honest, I don't really know how to eat clean. All I know is that I'm cutting anything white. White bread, sugar, potatoes, white flour etc... For one week. 

I'm keeping coke zero... Because, well, shut up.

I will not count calories. I'll make sure I'm eating enough and drinking water.

I can do anything for a week, right?


No matter how short, I will do an update on here every day from Monday to Monday. 

September will start off with a bang! 

Well, Sugar-free... Away! 

xx - r

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Heavy Lifting Sugar Addict.


Its Weigh in Wednesday again...

Last week I had gained, and was up to 150.4 - Being back in the 150's depressed me a little

Today I weigh in at 149.8

under 150 again...Barely!

I just started hitting the gym agin this week now that we are home.

Ive been doing lots of lifting!

I went out and even bought 2 pairs of specialty shoes

one pair for cardio

and the other ones (no picture available!) are flat soles for heavy lifting!

right now I can deadlift 100 pounds!

Probably not much to alot of people... but i do a lot of reps?

I feel like the weights are a new goal for me to work forward to

its been really hard for me to get into cardio lately... I cant go as far as I used to.

I dont want to run another marathon. 

I need a new goal. 

Im really trying to get my diet back on track...

I was thinking about going sugar free?

has anyone ever done this?

What are the rules!?

Im thinking about starting with just a week totally sugar free... im a pretty big sugar addict!

xx - r 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

It All Makes Sense.

I know I said it before. 

But I LOVE being home for a bit. 

I can focus on working on myself

spend some time with this kid

And enjoy one more week with this guy before he goes back to hell. School.

I cant believe how fast Easy is growing up. He can sit for a while on his own now!

He will be 5 months on Saturday!

Its hard to believe that about this time last year I was announcing that I was pregnant. 

and feeling a bit like this...

ha ha - but really, I was so excited and tried so hard to visualize what this baby boy would look like.

who he would be.

But when he came

It all made sense. 

Now I look at him and think about what my big/adult boy will look like

Who he will be. 

I know what I want him to be like

And I will do my best to help him be great, and happy with himself. 

Thats what life is all about, right?

Being happy. 

Sometimes it doesn't come naturally. 

Some people have to fight for it every day. 

But when your truly happy

You know it

And it makes the fight, the tears, the work..

 worth it. 

xx - r

Monday, 26 August 2013

Who does he look like?

It's been an amazing summer.
Warm and full of fun!

But getting home yesterday made me really happy that fall is coming.

I didn't realize how much crap you have to pack to take a 4 month old somewhere! 

Jolly jumper, enough diapers to clothe an army, wipes, Tylenol, clothes-clothes and more clothes! Hats, sunscreen, toys, books, monitor, white noise machine...

Basically if its not hammered into the walls, it's coming with us.

Also, Easy has decided recently that he HATES car rides, in any form.

So we have spent an accumulated 10 hours in the last 2 weeks listening to the sweet sound of rain over our car speakers to keep the baby asleep. Can you say zzzzzz???

I apologize for the lack of blogging... It's been busy! (Excuses, excuses)

While on these trips, I got a chance to pull out some baby pictures of Tay and I. 

Here's what I came out with!

These 2 look a lot alike sometimes!

Judging by this baby picture, it looks like they have a double chin In common... At least!

In Taylor's defense... He was a 10 pound baby that was only 19 inches long... And who the heck poses a baby like that for a picture? 

Then there is me.

We don't look much alike now...

But as a baby...

Id say its a pretty good resemblance! 

So weigh-in! 

Who does baby E resemble more?

xx - r

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Pooped on.

well, after one week of being home
we are on the road again.

I have to admit, it is getting a lot harder travelling with Easy.
He dislikes his carseat more and more
and is napping less and less these days.

I am still blessed to have a baby that, for the most part sleeps through the night

but lately it's been tough without naps..

im used to having this perfect, clean house because im waiting for my son to wake up!
While packing yesterrday
as I frantically threw diapers into a diaper bag and packed about 100 onsies, pants, sleepers, bibs and socks into a bag I thought....

Its only going to get worse.

I let myself get comfortable with having a nice clean house all the time.
but lately its looking more and more like this
The freak in me has had a rough week.
When I only get time to pick up the poopy diapers off the dinner table
 let alone have a gorgeous dinner on it with a perfectly mopped floor in a kitchen that smells like cookies that are baking to perfection in a freshly-cleaned oven....
I get frustrated.
I think I actually thought that I could be the exception to rule that moms are always busy.
"I will have time to clean my house!"

Oh, and While we're complaining
I got pooped on this week...

We were just sitting there, all adorable cooing and giggling at each other when BAM! 

He pooped right through his onsie all over my leg. 

I'm talking like, "moms been feeding me some of her ice cream" poop

It was gross.

But do you think I quickly changed everyone and did a load of laundry?

Nope, I took off both of our clothes, put them in the pile with all the other clothes he's pooped on recently (I think we need bigger diapers)

And moved on.

My one saving grace has been this exersaucer.

He can sit in it for at least a few minutes while I start the dishwasher. 

I have a lot of tips and tricks I need to learn to get things done at home! 

Maybe I can just move in with my mom forever.

xx R


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Weigh In Wednesday - Vices.

Dear Readers:

It has been three weeks since my last confession...

Uh, Weigh in. 

Exactly 3 weeks ago I weighed in at 147.4

This week: 150.4

boooooo... I knew vacation would do something to the scale

No diet sins go unpunished.

I cant find my regular WIW shirt... I worked out in this one this morning
Today I want to talk about Vices. 

I have two major vices, which are making this whole journey a lot tougher..

Chocolate (This one in particular) and Coke Zero. 

Cadbury is the best chocolate. hands down... But I mean, whoever decided to put peanut butter, pretzel's and chocolate together deserves a big kiss on the mouth. I cant stop eating this chocolate bar... I have almost had one per day for several weeks now... (a small exaggeration)

I also want to point out that one of these chocolate bars is like, 550 calories?


Also, coke zero. I spent my whole pregnancy trying to avoid drinking this stuff, and now that im not pregnant anymore I really feel like im making up for lost time. 

Are these vices bad?


But I feel a lot less guilty about having them this time around on my weight-loss journey for some reason. 

Im feeding a little boy with all that chocolate... 

I think he likes it almost as much as I do!

And the coke...

Okay okay, I know the coke isn't good for either of us...
and I know im pressing on a hot button topic.

But to be honest.

I just need the caffeine. 

"the zero" has just enough to keep me going, and not have my son bouncing off the walls and never sleeping because its in my breast milk. 

I struggle with sleep and I am constantly tired.

Chocolate and caffeine get me through my day.

The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues. - Elizabeth Taylor.

What are your vices?

xx - r

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Monday, 12 August 2013

a "SOLID" effort.

We started Easy on solids after his 4 month appointment because the pediatrician said to.

It was so exciting!!!

for the first, um... day?

He hates rice cereal... he HATES yams.

He just does this with banana's

it is like a food cannon shot into our kitchen by the time he is done with something.

I don't think he actually eats ANY of it... 

He does this tricky thing...
*as demonstrated here with avocado*
He happily takes a mouthful

and more...

then he slowly starts pushing his tongue out...

I try my best to stop it!

But soon enough...

it all comes out. 

usually all over both of us. 

I dont know if solids is totally our cup of tea just yet.

He's only 4 months old for crying out loud!

Lets just stick to bottles for now...

xx - r

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Sunday, 11 August 2013

10 complaints.

I love going on vacation. 

but the transition from "vacation mode" to "normal life mode"

Is difficult

I have the following complaints. 

Just let me put them out there, okay?

Im finding it hard to get moving
To  stop eating everything in sight... I am so bloated its gross.
To get my baby (who is sick, but feeling better) back on a schedule 
My "to do" list is enormous... hell, I haven't had a chance to even right my list down...
I havent had a chance to blog. 
unpacking is a pain in the butt
getting back on a sleep schedule is hard... not just for the baby
I miss having a mom to help me!
the gym is calling my name and I have to get back into that groove. 

looks like tomorrow is


xx - r

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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Helicopter mom.

This is the first time this kid has stopped crying in hours.

And it had to be once we sit in the waiting room at the hospital (its 10pm and too late to go anywhere else)

This kid has been miserable today.

After a nice dose of Tylenol he is finally asleep and his low grade fever is settling.

It's a stressful thing, being a mom to someone who just can't tell you what's wrong!

So you just

Check the symptoms online
Get more stressed
This somehow stresses your baby out and he cries more...
Pace around the house, continually changing hands between you and your husband hoping one has the magic touch.
Figure your magic parent hands are broken because the kid is still crying
Think about crying yourself.

It's probably nothing.
I keep telling myself that  I'm this awful helicopter mom... 
But then I have to remind myself...
I'm a mom
A new mom

If my son has the lowest if low grade fevers... I'm allowed to worry a bit.

