Saturday, 31 August 2013

A sugar-freak goes sugar-free

I mentioned last weigh-in that I was realizing more and more that I may have a small problem with sugar.

It seems like my weight has hit a plateaux. I am no longer losing weight as fast as I would like... I'm even gaining some back.

My diet is out of control.

Now, because I'm breast feeding I really can't cut a bunch of calories to lean out... Nor should I really. But I'm so tired of feeling bloated and tired from what I'm eating. 

So I'm starting with a week.

One week of clean eating.

I've done a bit of research, and to be honest, I don't really know how to eat clean. All I know is that I'm cutting anything white. White bread, sugar, potatoes, white flour etc... For one week. 

I'm keeping coke zero... Because, well, shut up.

I will not count calories. I'll make sure I'm eating enough and drinking water.

I can do anything for a week, right?


No matter how short, I will do an update on here every day from Monday to Monday. 

September will start off with a bang! 

Well, Sugar-free... Away! 

xx - r

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