Thursday, 20 March 2014

Tummy…Thursday and my little animal.


Thought I was gonna miss this week, didn't ya? 

I do admit, once I get back to work, i'll probably slow down on the full on photo shoots with my one year old…. how depressing to type out loud.

Im 16.. almost 17 weeks!

Feeling so far so good. We get find out what it is on April 9th at my next scan! I can't wait! surprisingly I've been feeling little flutters already. I guess it surprised me because with my last pregnancy, I had an anterior placenta (my placenta was in the front instead of the back) and I didn't feel Easy kick until he was 23-24 weeks! its a welcomed change… I like knowing that something is going on in there. 


While taking some random shots over the last few days
I have noticed that my son has, um, LOTS of expressions. 

The most famous, on this blog anyways… is the blank stare pictured in the bottom right… but we have been getting the other 3 more and more, especially that sour little face in the bottom left ha ha… it KILLS me!

and to keep up with the hair chronicles of Easton, He went from brunette, to bald to blonde to… 


As you can see in the pictures above, he is definitely business in the front, receding hairline and everything! - but the back is a different story. 



 It flicks and curls and is totally wild, just like my busy boy.  

He really is a handful. I frequently refer to him as "the animal"

In a loving way… of course…

My back is definitely sore from chasing this one around and wrangling him before he kills himself.  

But we have fun. He's a loving, smart little boy.. and will make an amazing big brother. 

Anyone wonder why my hair is always up? I swear, I'm thinking about cutting it off! 

xx  - r

1 comment:

  1. It's , your boy got your looks :) you two are soo adorable. and you have a very beautiful baby bump
