Tuesday, 28 October 2014

This and That

Mommy confession: 

My favourite part of going to the gym, and most of the reason I'm so diligent, is because I can leave my 2 kids in child minding for 2 hours while I sweat, then shower, then get myself ready for the day without a baby crying in my ear or a toddler sitting on my feet. Seriously… the other day I threw the boys both into child minding, skipped the workout and sat in the steam room for half an hour before I showered, took my time getting ready and felt refreshed enough to pick up the hooligans and take them home to face the rest of the day. some days are like that. Its okay… right? 


My weigh in this week was deffinately not what I expected for my first week back at the gym, I worked my CAN off and only lost 0.4 pounds at my weigh in. 

I was a little dissappointed to say the least. I didn't even get out of the 170s! (By 0.8 pounds) and I worked harder than I have in... Well, almost a year! 

And I'm trying really hard to not get discouraged, its a hard balance between eating enough to make milk to breastfeed, and eating enough to lose weight too. I guess all I can do it keep working out, keep eating right, keep feeding my baby and hope it will keep SLOWLY (emphasis on a big eye roll there) coming off. 
Current weight 170.8
My goal by December 1 is 160. 
And my goal by the new year is 150.

As the numbers get lower, I know it is going to be harder to get the pounds off, and as winter hits its going to be hard to not eat my whole house instead of going to the gym. 

But i'll power through. I'm blessed to have a sister who is a GURU in the fitness industry and has helped me get into the gym without breaking the bank and motivated me with her amazing bod. 

In Hud news:

Hes (kind of) rolling over!

Im happy with this because he HATES tummy time, like, either lays there like a dead fish or squawks until I come roll him over. 

Other than that my little 2 month old is adorable… I mean seriously. 

We have our 2 month checkup tomorrow and will see how breastfeeding is treating him! I stress sometimes that he is losing weight again because the control freak in me that doesn't know how much he is getting at a feeding thinks its not enough. We will see!
Oh, and he's losing his hair.

I knew it was coming… but I get sad every morning I find little blonde hairs on his mattress. 

In Easy news, 

He got a haircut!

I woke up one morning and just said "T…lets cut it all off" I think it looks adorable.

Easy also has a checkup tomorrow. He gets the results of his hearing test, and the ECHO and EKG we had done last week. 

Of course I'm a little nervous, but I feel confident that everything is fine. E's a normal kid that is just quiet with a little innocent murmur. He's my little boy and he's perfect. 

But keep your eye out for an update either way!


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