Friday, 28 November 2014

Non-Food Rewards and My Five Friday Faves



My goal this month was to lose 8 pounds and hit 160. my pre-Hudson weight.

my weight on Thursday was 160.4 - Forget that .4 - I DID IT.

I'm now 21 pounds down from when I started 8 weeks ago

I also promised myself that when I hit 160 I would give myself a non-food reward.

So tomorrow, I get my hair done!

Post pregnancy hair SUCKS. 

It gets all stringy and dry and starts falling-out (things they don't tell you about before you get pregnant)
I'm even getting a few greys (eep!)

So tomorrow I'm going in for my "refresh"

Tune into my instagram account for hair updates! (username: itsonly_me_ )

Heres to losing 20 more pounds and starting out the new year lighter!

I'll be setting my next monthly goals, soon.


For anyone interested, here are 5 things that are making my life easier RIGHT NOW. 

1 - This amazing drool scarf from Acorn & Leaf 
 Hudson has been sucking on his handle lately, which creates a TON of drool. like, Niagara Falls coming our of his mouth and onto his onsie. Not only do I love the design on it, I love how it fits and how much mess it saves! And seriously, a baby in a bandana? Who could ever say thats not cute?

2 - This car track - The Little People City Skyway Toy.

Cant think of what to get your toddler or preschooler for Christmas?
Get this. 
You won't regret it.
This thing is 3 FEET TALL. 
Just a little taller than Easton 

We got it for him when I was desperately trying to learn how to nurse and needed Easton out of my hair  to entertain himself for a little while. 
3 months later, it remains the favourite toy of our household. He spends time with it every single day and to be honest, I dig playing with it too, how cool is this thing? you put a car down and it can go one of 3 ways! and you don't even have to use little people cars exclusively, most cars will fit down here. and balls, and… trust me, Easton has tried putting every toy we have down this thing. 
I have decided that I really enjoy boy-toys. 

Speaking of nursing

3 - This LULU Lemon infinity scarf 

Has been amazing for winter-nursing-ease. Its a scarf right?

Then "wah, wah" babies hungry?


A nursing cover. 

I know right?

The thick fabric is durable and washable and oh-so-cute. 

4 - These Crystal Light water additives.

Confession: I HATE water. 
I hate drinking it, I hate the taste 
I hate the way it looks. 
Just kidding.
but adding a squirt of this to my water bottle and a little splash of lemon juice has made it more bearable. I drink anywhere from 1-3 litres a day now! before it was more like "uh, when was the last time I had a drink of water?"

And 5 - my favourite snack right now:
A caramel rice cake with a tbsp of peanut butter.

its the simple things right?

snacking is crucial for me when I'm "Dieting"
I put that in quotes because I'm breast feeding. I am required to eat 14 more points than a normal person my weight, which is actually a lot of food. but now that mu body is used to that many calories, it needs to be FED - and filling it with high protein snacks like peanut butter help keep me satisfied, and are healthier than a lot of other things. 

well there you have it folks, my five faves for this week. 

Monday, 24 November 2014

Progress Pictures, Measles And Being A Big Bro.

After my small gain last week
I made a couple changes to my weigh in days. 

I totally realize that I'm COMPLETELY a little neurotic about all this, but bear with me.

Thursdays have been stressful with a 7pm weigh in. 
I have to watch what I eat and how much I drink all day because if I drink 2-3 litres of water like normal, I'm obviously going to weigh more at night time. 
Pumping at 6:45 is tricky too because then I need to come home and I don't have any milk for a few hours and by then hudson is asleep so I have to wait until he wakes up again to feed him and that can get VERY pretty uncomfortable. 
I do however, love my Thursday night Weight Watchers meetings. My leader is awesome and the women and few men that come regularly are supportive and hilarious. 

So I changed it up. 

From now on I pump, then weigh in, Thursday morning at 9am, and then attend my meeting at 7 that night. 

It relieved a lot of stress, and it doesn't hurt that everyone weighs less in the morning. ;)

I lost a glorious 4.2 pounds this week!

Current Weight: 163.2

Now that I'm 18 pounds down from my initial weight watchers weight, only 6 weeks ago… I promised some progress pictures.

Sigh. this is hard for me.

Im not really even CLOSE to where I want to be.

But I put on the same clothes I did 6 weeks ago and am still trying to spot the changes.

Left is 6 weeks ago

Right is today.

Well there you have it folks. 

In august I weighed 207 pounds. 
In September I weighed 181
and today I weigh 163


also, a little update on the goals I set for myself IN THIS POST at the beginning of the month

My number one goal was to lose 10 pounds this month, by my November 27th meeting - THIS Thursday. - I'm close, so close!

Next goal was to plan for 2 minutes by the end of the month. 
I am happy to report that I started this month only being able to struggle out a 30 second plank, and can now do a full 2 minute plank!

My last goal was to do 125 minutes of cardio a week - or 500 minutes this month
Well, by the end of week 2 I had done 280 minutes, well over my weekly goals, but last week all hell broke loose and continues to vomit itself all over my household. 

Hudson came down with a rash… I thought it was heat rash, but the doctor assured me it wasn't heat rash. The tension in the office was high as he looked and looked at the rash, and then sent us for blood-work with strict instructions to go home and not leave until we were sure it wasn't… ugh. MEASLES. 

It was a long couple of days, but the blood-work came back good and the rash has since faded. 
Way to scare the crap outta me, Doc!

update: our little Hud is doing famously. 

I was cleared to go back to childcare at the gym the next day
But I wasn't feeling so good myself. 

And thus ensued the nastiest stomach bug I have seen in YEARS. 
A full 36 hours of pure hell. 
followed by Taylor getting it. 
(picture a man cold x100)

Needless to say, we have been INSIDE our house for over a week now. 

I don't think it is reasonable for me to hit 500 minutes in the gym this month…
But I'll sure as hell try. 

I think poor Easton is ready to get out of the house a little more. 

Life as a big bro is rough. 

Soothers, as mentioned in my previous post, are a precious gem in our household. 

And of the oh, 40 that we've bought, we can only ever seem to find


So lately, when I have a crying baby I turn to big brother, yoink the soother right outta his mouth, and plug up the boy. 

Easton is… amicable, He even shares it all by himself sometimes when the baby is crying

But I think he's wondering about this tiny human who is becoming more and more engaged in his life every day… (p.s. - he's rolling over!)

I can't wait to see them grow up together. 

xx - r

Tuesday, 18 November 2014



What do YOU do when your bored?

and of course we all own camo clothing, 

don't you know me at all?

xx - r

Monday, 17 November 2014


Walking into my meeting last Thursday, I was not feeling confident. 

I knew I had not lost much weight, if any at all. 

I was slightly surprised tho, when I gained .4 pounds. 


I spent the meeting frustrated and discouraged. 

I got home and sat down to feed the baby, racking my brain about how I could have GAINED? I eat all my points, don't go over, exercise and drink water. I did have one day where I was less than ideal in the eating criteria… but that couldn't explain an almost half-pound GAIN, right?

When it hit me. 


Thats right. 


Every meeting since the beginning of my journey, I pump right before my meeting, every bit helps! I usually pump 6-8 ounces before my meeting. 6-8 ounces of liquid. 

So maybe I actually didn't gain!

I'm hoping for a loss this week to say the least. 

My mommy brain is constantly failing me. 

So much in fact, that I keep forgetting to write this post.

So between both of my kids going to sleep and me hitting the pillow (approximately 2 minutes)

I will update this post and then immediately forget something else important.

like the fact that I haven't even showered today.

What was I just saying?

should I even spell-check this post?


did I leave the stove on?



xx - r

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

My Melon Head and Sue Sucker.

In my "feeling sorry for myself" moment last week 
(Thanks to everyone who is always so nice to me!)

I forgot to update you on my weight journey. 

Last Thursday I was down another 2.2 pounds and now sit at 167 even. 

I'm down 12.2 pounds total!

I found some pretty awful "before" pictures on my computer today, and when I hit 165 - or 15 pounds down, i'll post the comparison. Its a tad embarrassing to say the least. I am noticing a difference though. 

Things at home are finally starting to settle a little bit. Easy is feeling much better. He lost 2 pounds in a few days being sick, and is now starting to sleep and eat better, a kid that small can't afford to lose 2 pounds.

I have to say as well, this boy loves his pacifies. 

"Sue Soo's"

we call them. 

He constantly needs not only one, but TWO soothers. One in his mouth, and at least one in his hand…

But he will take as many as he can find. That includes stealing from his brother. 

I know its a bad habit, but I secretly love it. I find it adorable how he crawls around on the floor, checking under the coffee table and couches, just in case there is one under there. If he finds one he sticks it into his mouth and sucks it like a mad man. if he has more than one I will catch him picking up one and sucking on it 3 times then he puts it down and does the same thing to the next one and so on. 

its like a "taste test" for soothers. He then picks his favourite and holds onto the other 2 for later. 

For now I'm not worried
 I think its slowing down his motivation to talk a tiny bit, but I really don't think its hurting too much. We will see I guess. I know he won't be going to school with a sue sue anyways… that won't happen… right?

And THIS little man…

Has gone from this little, one day old baby 

To this full grown 2 month old!


Its amazing how something can simply fly by and drag like mud at the same time. 
I love that he's getting older. How he's started cooing and chatting with me, that he smiles every time I pick him up, even if he's been crying, how adorable his little freaking nose is. I mean, am I right?
Hes in 3 month clothes and is a solid 50th percentile for height and weight.

Oh, but his head is a whopping 92nd percentile!

That made me laugh. 

I looked at the doctor, after he told me that was a good sized head and replied

"uh, your telling me?"

I love my little melon head and sue sue sucker. 

xx - r

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The one I needed to hear today.

Sometimes I just need to remember that someone understands. 

The other day we went to target to get Easy, "big boy bed" supplies.

I wandered off with Hudson in my sling to look at clothes, when I noticed a girl about my age, with her baby in an ergo carrier (a front carrier) trying to nurse her screaming baby while he was in the carrier. It was an impossible task.
She looked frustrated as her mom held a blanket in front of her and she desperately tried to get the baby into a position to nurse in the middle of a target. 
I walked up to her and offered my sling as a nursing aid. I really didn't think she would take it...I guess I just wanted her to know she shouldn't be embarrassed, nursing is hard. So hard. I wanted her to know I understood, and that just that morning I was fighting with my baby to nurse and considering giving up nursing all together.
To my suprise she accepted my offer and I helped her slide her baby into the sling and he nursed happily away for a few minutes while we chatted away with nothing in common except that we were moms. Trying to get by. 

My definition of getting by is really the following - make it through the 8-12 hours that T is at school, without contributing tears to this crying party:

And then, make it through the night with a baby that is convinced that days and nights should be the other way around.


Try not to accidentally starve one baby while trying to cram crackers into the other one that is clearly on a hunger strike. This sickness that has raged through our home has not been kind.

You hear phrases, some welcomed, most you know are true but are hard to hear. Some make you feel bad, some are just what you need to hear.

"Tomorrow is a new day."
"They aren't little forever."

And finally, tonight my husband hugged me while I cried and told me "your a good mom" 

That was the one I needed today. 


Monday, 3 November 2014

ILU sleep.

Dear sleep, I know we've had our problems in the past…

But I love you. 

I honestly have a hard time reflecting on the last week. For whatever reason, Hudson decided that the only place he likes to sleep is directly ON me. actually, forget sleep…. he just always wants to be held. I am constantly reminding myself how lucky I am to have a baby that wants me to hold him and cuddle him, Its not going to last long. I know this. but it really doesn't make me less tired. 

Probably my favourite purchase of my baby making life has been our leather lazy-boy recliner. it has paid its weight in reclined sleeps and rocks to sleep and pumping times and milk and vomit being wiped off of it. I have a real gratitude for that chair, I hope to keep it long enough to some day really lounge in my leather lounge chair. 

The last 2 nights we broke down and had the little guy in bed with us. The first night was amazing. He slept 5 hours and then ate and slept another 5 hours cuddled right up against me. 

Last night was not as good. He slept a couple hours and then I woke up to him kicking my face because he had wiggled himself sideways and out of his warm blankets. 

We went back to the chair in his room, after a while he was asleep again and I was able to put him in his playpen. Yes, Hudson is sleeping in a playpen right now. Were on the hunt for a bed for Easton so we can commandeer his crib for Hudson. But poor Easton loves his crib so much we just don't have the heart yet. 

On an Easton note:

We went to the doctor and his tests all came back okay!

His heart is good, the murmur is innocent and we will continue to monitor it. 
His hearing test came back with a bit of fluid in one of his ears, but they think it may be attributed to the cold he got the next day. Either way we need to go back to the heraring clinic because Easy is just a little too young to do a "real" hearing test where he can follow instructions when he hears a noise. so were going back probably when he is closer to two, and until then will be contacting our local health centre to set him up in a children's speech program. I don't know much about these things, Ive had a friend explain to me what her child went through in the program… And I have a feeling that the long road ahead of us will teach me a lot. 

Since the doctors appointment Easy has been OFF - its slowly progressed to him throwing up and other bodily undesirables for 4 days now. He doesn't have a fever so we keep thinking he's okay… then we end up with a kid half naked in the back of our car because he's vomited all over his pants. He has his first nasty virus and its NOT fun. 

We thought he was okay on Halloween day  and honestly I was SO excited to go out trick or treating and pass out candy! Growing up in the country and then living in apartments through college, I've never had people coming to my door for candy, this was the first year for it! 
We got easton in his adorable spider man costume and face timed his grandma Campbell to say hi. No longer than 2 minutes later, he was standing on the coffee table and projectile vomited everywhere. He looked at me, looked at grandma, then did it again. 


After a bath, and some gravol he got to hand out some candy in his Pyjamas.


We got probably 200 pieces of candy, and he gave all of it to probably 20 people. every time the door would knock, he would run to the bowl, fill both hands and stand at the door until I opened it. He would throw the candy in the bags and then say "ga ga" while waving (his version of bye bye)

This one is a character: And yes, thats a lion costume over his PJ's in public. I'm that mom. 

It really was a fun halloween.

oh and we even went to a party! (sans Easton because he was in bed) - Look at us being people who go out and stuff!
and Im sure  I hope - you can guess what we were :)

Oh and I tried to make cookies!

Anyone interested in a Pinterest fail at its finest?


I really had to laugh at myself over this one. I am well known by my husband at having the occasional domestic fail. This… was one of them. 

Another note about me, I am down another 1.6 pounds as of last Thursday. 

A total of 12.2 pounds and I'm officially out of the 170's! FOR GOOD!

current weight: 169.2

And finally

 I want to welcome November. I set some goals for this month for myself and my weight loss journey. Hopefully I can keep them. 

I would like to lose 10 pounds by my November 27th meeting and weigh in at - 160 or lower. This will mean I need to have some bangin' weigh ins in the coming weeks. 

To aid those weigh ins I also set a goal of doing 125 minutes of cardio a week. For a total of 500 minutes of cardio this month. 

And lastly I would like to be able to plank for 2 minutes. a lofty goal since 30 seconds gives me a run for my money right now… but I can do it. I'm sure. 

If you don't follow me on Instagram, you should! my username is itsonly_me_
That is, if you like seeing pictures of my kids and gym selfies… awk.

Welcome MOvember - lets get through this!

xx - r