Thursday, 6 November 2014

The one I needed to hear today.

Sometimes I just need to remember that someone understands. 

The other day we went to target to get Easy, "big boy bed" supplies.

I wandered off with Hudson in my sling to look at clothes, when I noticed a girl about my age, with her baby in an ergo carrier (a front carrier) trying to nurse her screaming baby while he was in the carrier. It was an impossible task.
She looked frustrated as her mom held a blanket in front of her and she desperately tried to get the baby into a position to nurse in the middle of a target. 
I walked up to her and offered my sling as a nursing aid. I really didn't think she would take it...I guess I just wanted her to know she shouldn't be embarrassed, nursing is hard. So hard. I wanted her to know I understood, and that just that morning I was fighting with my baby to nurse and considering giving up nursing all together.
To my suprise she accepted my offer and I helped her slide her baby into the sling and he nursed happily away for a few minutes while we chatted away with nothing in common except that we were moms. Trying to get by. 

My definition of getting by is really the following - make it through the 8-12 hours that T is at school, without contributing tears to this crying party:

And then, make it through the night with a baby that is convinced that days and nights should be the other way around.


Try not to accidentally starve one baby while trying to cram crackers into the other one that is clearly on a hunger strike. This sickness that has raged through our home has not been kind.

You hear phrases, some welcomed, most you know are true but are hard to hear. Some make you feel bad, some are just what you need to hear.

"Tomorrow is a new day."
"They aren't little forever."

And finally, tonight my husband hugged me while I cried and told me "your a good mom" 

That was the one I needed today. 


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