On may 20th 2013
I decided to stop attempting to breastfeed
and start pumping exclusively
My initial goal was 2000 oz.
A goal that seemed completely unattainable with freezer stash that started with 82 ounces in it
But I kept going
5-6 times a day.
cleaning bottles every night.
And tracking every pump to see how much milk I was producing
and my stash built

eventually, we had to buy a second freezer
to accommodate the stash
I did it.
I hit 2000 ounces!
It was a great day for me.
and after lots of trials with this process... I honestly didn't know if I would ever get here.
Overall I have had epic support from my family and friends.
I pumped at party's and wedding and in my car on the side of the road...
I even pumped once while I was driving a long drive (uh..yes...its difficult)
I did a bit of math last night.
bear with me while I run some numbers...
Easy eats about 30 ounces of milk a day.
If I stopped right this minute, I would have enough milk to feed Easy for roughly 2 months out of my stash.
That would put him at 8 months old before he would be out of the good stuff.
The OCD mom in me wants to feed him breastmilk for a year. one.whole.year. I love giving my baby food I made him, I love feeling like I am in control of his success and thriving
But the human-being in me is exhausted.
Im tired of having cracked, bleeding nipples - of waking up engorged at 5am to pump - Of cleaning 30 bottles/nipples/pumping parts every single day - of dragging my pump anywhere that I will be at for longer than 3 hours - of stressing over not making enough milk.
So I have a bit of thinking to do.
When I ran some more numbers... I would have to pump until Christmas to get enough for Easton to have until he was one.
Until I make up my mind... I better go pump...