Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Insomnia Anyone?

I was up at 430 this morning

pumping milk and making sandwiches for my husband to take to school

like it was my job! (um...)

I had so much energy!

Weird right?


my insomnia is back again.

I laid somewhere between asleep and awake all night.

I went to bed at 11, with the greatest intentions of a good night sleep. 


The good news  Is that I'm not yet at the point in my insomnia cycle where I'm exhausted all the time

Where I have trouble functioning, and am perpetually between asleep and awake. 

Right now I'm just riding the high my body is feeding me. 

My house is spotless and my laundry is caught up. 

Ive gone to the gym and now look at me! I'm blogging!


Ive had trouble sleeping since I can remember. 

I blogged about it back in 2008 HERE on my old blog. (its a pretty juicy blog if you want to surf my old boy troubles and my backpacking across S.A.) :)

Being a bad sleeper made adjusting to a brand new baby easier than I thought it would be

The first week or two flew by

Then I got blessed with a great sleeper.

I have to admit, it was frustrating this morning when Easy slept form 8pm to 8am and I didn't get to. 

People have insomnia for varied and personal reasons.

sometimes my brain wont shut down
sometimes my anxiety is taking over
sometimes I make lists, all night
sometimes I just feel like I have things to do and have to do them. NOW.
sometimes there is no reason that I know of.

Ive seen doctors and physiologists about it, and used to rely on some pretty serious sleeping pills to get me through these "bouts" of insomnia 
the bad bouts that can see me go a week or two on under 10 hours of sleep... 

no kidding. 

but breastfeeding and a bouncing baby boy wont allow that.

So I tough it out. 

I really don't mind having a super clean house anyways.

xx - r

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