Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Adjustment Periods and a BC2.0 update

BC2.0 = Baby campbell 2 - cute huh?

The last week has been one of roller coaster emotions and adjustment peroids.
as we were standing at the door on sunday afternoon the day before I started work, Easton was trying to leave with us. We hugged him, and cried and then gave him to grandma, we know hes in good hands....
It didnt make it easier as we closed the door and he stood at the window beside it and cried.
3 more weeks.
This sunday we decided to put him to bed before we left for the week
I cuddled him and kissed him as he fell asleep.
while his eyes were fluttering he put his little hand on my face
I melted.
it eventually moved to my mouth and he tried to shove his fingers in and grab my tongue.
I pulled them out and kissed his hand
a giggle-fit ensued.
I sat for another few minutes, kissing my baby boy while he giggled and layed still, staring at me between fits of laughter.
soon it was time to go.
I layed him in his crib and walked out of the room to him standing up..crying.
I didnt want to leave like that, so I send daddy in, to try and get him to sleep before we walked out of the house.
When I checked the monitor, I heard the same giggle fit, I had just adored every second of.
I watched my son and his loving father share a few moments, and tried not to cry.
eventually he went, we shed a few tears and then left for another 5 days.

As sad as it is that im so far away from my baby, its been nice having an adjustment time getting back to work.

and we Facetime every day

We are able to lock the screen and pass it to Easy and he squeals and giggles and puts his face on the screen to kiss us, sometimes he even puts us in his toys and walks around with us.
I miss this kid! I cant wait till hes home full time with dad so we can all hang out at night time.
but man is he happy and spoiled with grandma and his aunties and uncles in Calgary! 


I decided last weekend to try and stop taking my nausea meds

day one was fine

day two I was feeling pretty queazy

and by yesterday afternoon I had to quickly run off of the train on the way home and have my husband hold my hair while I threw up on the platform.

needless to say im back on the good stuff.

still! after 19 weeks! UGH.

I guess I was on it till 24 weeks with Easy...

But... as far as other pregnancy updates go... im doing pretty well!

im pudgy and round but loving every second of growing a baby.

oh, and we are going to confirm (yes, I already know) the sex of the babyTODAY!

Place your bets!

xx - r


1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel been reading yr blog on and off since the birth of my little boy 12 months ago, happy to hear you are expecting no 2! I reckon it's a ....... girl!

    All the best from the UK!
