Wednesday, 30 April 2014

He's home! time for the weirdest summer...ever!

Well, he's home! 

But this little one is missing his grandma time (and all the ice cream that comes with it) 
Some highlights of his trip that grandma so generously shared via text message... 


And that's just the highlights. I can't even begin to explain how greatful we are for this last month of help we have had. 

T had his first day as "Mr Mom" yesterday. I even got a visit from them at work! I came home to a clean kitchen and dinner on the table. Then we went to the park! I think it's going to be a great summer. 

Work has been going well. It's just like I remember it... Work. But some adult interaction beyond "honey, does he smell like poop to you?" Has been nice. 

BC2.0 is a busy boy too. Since 14 weeks I have felt little jabs that now, at 22 weeks are full on kicks and rolls and constant reminders that I'm not alone. ever.

My body is also growing rapidly. While still embracing my pregnancy and everything that goes with it... I need to get out more and move my body. Old stretch marks from my last pregnancy and even my youth, are looking rather "at capacity" and I'm getting less and less comfortable in my maternity jeans. only halfway through my pregnancy, this is not a welcomed realisation.
I feel like I'm retaining a lot of water already. Drinking is a major challenge for me, and it's probably not helping that I suck at drinking, as I fearfully try to slide my wedding rings off at night. 

I have moved from tums to extra strength Zantac, on the suggestion of my doctor and some friendly's who read my blog and offer great advice. :) the problem I run into now, is that when I take the Zantac, it makes the acid in my stomach less... a good thing for heartburn.. not a good thing if you are trying know... digest food? So ive had a couple of times in the last week or two where I see my lunch in its original form... 5-7 hours after ive eaten it. Glorious.
I need to think of a good way to get a belly shot without looking like a total tool. I miss my tripod and need to pull it out when i come home from work.


but, here is a 22.5 week belly in all its bathroom glory!

The weirdest summer ever continues.
its really set up to be a nice summer, but not at all one I ever saw myself being in. Me, pregnant and working. my husband, a stay at home dad.
oh, and did I mention were going to Disneyland? ;)
xx - r.

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