Saturday, 13 July 2013

I Took My Breast Pump To A Wedding...

Tonight, I took my breast-pump to a wedding and, instead of dancing... I snuck into the bathroom to pump milk.

I have 680 ounces of breast milk on my deck in a deep freeze.

I have a "lactation station" sitting on my kitchen table beside my computer. 

I have written down how much milk has been pumped by me and consumed by my son every single day since he was 2 weeks old. 

I recently came home from a trip out of town with a cooler filled with ice and breast milk, so that I could freeze it instead of dumping it. 

For support, I am part of a group on facebook, dedicated to moms who exclusively pump.

I know how long a bottle of breast milk can sit on the counter(4 hours), be in the fridge (4 days), or sit in a freezer (depends on the freezer - but 3 months to a year!).

I wash and dry 8 milk containers, 2 bottles and the parts to my pump twice a day. EVERY DAY. 

I bag breast milk, in 6 ounce bags every night and neatly store them in freezer bags before logging them in my notebook. 

I feel good because I am able to give my son the best food for him right now...

but I am exhausted. 

I dont know how long I can keep this up. The last 3 months have been long. 

My goal is to pump 2000 ounces. 



That should be enough for me to roughly stop in 3-4 months, and be able to feed my baby breast milk until he is over a year old. 

I am blessed with a great supply. 

but sometimes I feel like im crazy for letting this consume my life!

what do you think? is 2000 too ambitious?

xx - r

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  1. I'm super impressed with your dedication. It is so exhausting and time consuming. I pumped with my first for 4 mths but my supply ran too low.
    Just do what you can do and know that you are amazing whether you hit the 2000 mark or not!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not too ambitious at all! You're clearly dedicated... if you've made it this far, you can make it the rest of the way!!

  4. Exhausting is right!! I pump & bf my son during the day...every 1 1/2hrs i'm stuck for 10 min either nursing or pumping. Only 2(ish) more months before food & 8 more months of nursing. Although I now have the idea in my head that if I keep pumping for the next 6 month I could possibly have enough to get me through the last 2 months... ;)
