Weigh-In Wednesday!
okay so last week was a bit of a disappointment when my gain of about 3 pounds left me at 154.1
a ways away from my goal of being in the 140's again.
Last Week: 154.1
This Week: 151.3
Down 2.8 pounds.
Okay... back on track!
This little monkey has been keeping me busy!
he loves to "stand" and be looking everywhere lately, which makes it hard to get anything done!
Good thing I love him.
I went into my local gym today and got a membership..
Now I just need to find the perfect work out "program"
I am very familiar with the gym, I know the classes, the exercises, the form.
but with my "new body" Im a little intimidated with where to start.
I used to just do cardio... lots and lots of cardio and no weights... but with my new little "wings" on my arms and my big thunder thighs, I think I need to change it up.
What do you do at the gym?
I need structure when I go to the gym, as with most things in my life lately...
I left my notebook at my in-laws house last week and have been losing my mind the last 3 days until I got it back. (my notebook has my "to do list" as well as tracking all my pumps and feedings for Easton)
Im TOTALLY a bit mental sometimes.
I guess I feel like if I don't have structure in my life, I cant do anything.
Its like my diet
If im not eating right and tracking every calorie...
I might as well eat cookies all day.
I cant just clean out one shelf on my fridge a day or something
Clean the entire fridge for an hour... or leave the moldy food in there for another week.
If im going to clean the house... I CLEAN.THE.HOUSE.
I need to lighten up a little A LOT.
(easier said than done!)
Easton wont always be an amazing napper, leaving me time to clean like mad or cross everything off my list every day or... well.. BLOG!
But i'll enjoy it while I get it!!
See you next week WIW... hopefully in the 140's!
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I was intimidated by weights until I started crossfit. Cardio is a love hate but I def. love a workout buddy that matches my pace or can excel my pace - competitive? I'm not competitive! ;)