Tuesday, 23 July 2013

.Rice Cereal.

 At our 4 month Pediatrician appointment our big guy sat at the 75th percentile for height AND weight - weighing in at 15 pounds 4 ounces and a tall 26 inches!

The ped commented how strong his neck was, and was surprised AT how much he likes standing up!

I have a perfect baby! (says every mother, ever)

I was informed that now is the time to start solids!

first things first...

Rice cereal! 

 Easton was not too sure how he feelt about it...

And, as you can see... his big ol' legs don't exactly fit into this bumbo... we might need a high chair sooner than I though...

But he ended up REALLY liking the cereal!

And making a huge mess!

Easy had been eating more milk than normal lately... I think he was ready for solids...

And because he was nice and full and content...

we all got a 12 hour sleep!

*sings "oh happy day"*

xx - r

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  1. Our boys are almost the exact same size!! My little man came in right at 15lbs though at his appt this last week. Your little guy is quite the cutie-pa-tutie!!

  2. His chubby chest is so stinkin cute. And sleep oh glorious sleep......yeah!!!!!!
