Guess who is 3 MONTHS OLD?
BabyCenter says:
Holding her head steady
During this month, your baby may be able to lift her head while on her back and hold it for several minutes. If sitting with support, she may be able to hold her head steady and erect. When she's on her stomach, you might see her lifting her head and chest as if she were doing mini-pushups. You can offer encouragement by sitting in front of her and dangling a toy.
This kid has been holding his head steady since 2 months. he now prefers to have his head upright and be looking around. Toys are his favorite thing!
Better arm, leg, and hand co-ordination
Your baby can now wave her arms and kick her legs. As her hip and knee joints become more flexible, her kicks are getting stronger. And if you hold her up with her feet on the floor she should push down on her legs now. She can bring both hands together and open her fingers, though she'll probably use a closed fist to bat at dangling objects. (Of course, swatting at a toy or other object is developmental progress in itself!) Encourage her hand development by holding out a toy to see if she'll grasp it.
This sounds just about bang-on. One of E's favorite things to do it bat at toys, he can hit pretty hard (Hide Yo Kids!) He is getting better in his jolly jumper every day and loves to "stand" on people while they hold him.
Sleeping patterns getting more manageable
Starting about now, sleep-deprived parents may get some respite.By three to four months, your child's sleep patterns start to settle down. Many babies this age can even sleep through the night, though they may still wake up for the occasional feeds. But some children may not sleep through the night (which, for the first year, usually means just six hours at a time), for a good three to six months, so don't worry if your baby still wants to keep you up at night.
See, this is where I get a little cocky... my baby sleeps at least 8 hours a night, just about every night. if he wakes up, its because he dropped his soother and simply wants it back. There are many mornings where I am up before him. Of course we have "bad nights" once in a while, but all-in... I have a champion sleeper!
The parietal lobe, the part of the brain that governs hand-eye coordination and allows a person to recognize objects, is developing rapidly now. And the temporal lobe, which assists with hearing, language, and smell, has also become more receptive and active. So when your baby hears your voice now, she may look directly at you and start gurgling or trying to talk back.
Clear recognition of mom and dad
By three months, and probably earlier, your baby will have formed an attachment to you and be familiar with your face. Most likely she will still smile at strangers, especially when they look her straight in the eye and coo or talk to her. But she's beginning to sort out who's who in her life and definitely prefers some people to others.The parietal lobe, the part of the brain that governs hand-eye coordination and allows a person to recognize objects, is developing rapidly now. And the temporal lobe, which assists with hearing, language, and smell, has also become more receptive and active. So when your baby hears your voice now, she may look directly at you and start gurgling or trying to talk back.
Easton LOVES talking to T. its amazing. he wont speak to me all day, and as soon as he hears Taylor coming up the stairs from work, he starts babbling away, he is learning how to use his tongue to speak, sometimes sticking it out so far he bites down on it. Easton recognizes me, there is nothing sweeter than having your baby look at you and know that he knows exactly who you are. He loves his aunties and uncles and Grandma and Grandpas. but he will smile at ANYONE who wants to say hello!
Early language development
This is a sensitive time when verbal stimulation is particularly important for your baby. Seize the moment and engage her with a variety of words and sounds. Recent research links higher intelligence levels to how many words a child hears in the first year of life. This is the time to set a sound foundation. Even a trip to the mall can be a chance to stimulate your child -- as you roam the aisles, point to objects and identify them by name. Your baby can't repeat these words yet, but she's storing all the information in her rapidly developing memory. A baby in a bilingual home will get double the language training if she regularly hears both languages spoken. If you'd like her to learn more than one language, have each parent speak to her in a different language.
I would really like my son to have an appreciation for a language that isnt his own. I need to brush up on my spanish!!
Beginning to interact with others
Your child is set on "receive," drawing conclusions about the world around her. By now, she may respond to her face in the mirror by smiling (babies love looking at themselves), and she may stop sucking her thumb or bottle to listen to your voice. By cooing or making noises at her, and by describing even the most mundane household chore, you're not only connecting with her but also encouraging her to express herself. Even with others, your baby is becoming more animated and engaging -- flashing smiles, oohing and cooing. The fun has really begun. When you're with friends, keep her nearby so she can hear the richness of human interaction. I have to be quiet while feeding this boy a bottle, or else he will stop eating, and just watch me and smile. this kid is an entertainer! he loves to let out random yell's and squeals to get everyone to look at him.
All in all my kid is amazing. and it sounds like he is right on schedule!
Some more things about Easy at 3 months:
He really is living up to his nickname "The Big Easy" - He is an easy kid! only crying when he wants something, smiling more than ever! he hardly ever spits up. he travels in the car well, falling asleep as soon as we start moving. He loves seeing other babies, he loves laying on his change table and kicking his legs while I attempt to change him before he pees on me. He is very serious when I try and take pictures of him... I think he is trying to figure out what is in his face...
All in all - I have the best kid a mother could ask for.
I think I am adjusting to being a mom too - Its a continual learning process... to me that is the most exhausting part, getting to know your baby... then having him change a little and grow a little every day! I love being a mom more than I could have ever imagined I would. I have lots to learn and just as much growing to do as this big guy (He is weighing in at 13LB 11 OZ and is 26 inches long as of 10 days ago)
Happy 3 months Easton Bryce Campbell. Your my little star.
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